
An afternoon of inspiration where the focus is on children’s and young people’s own filmmaking!
Arranged by FOMP – a Swedish association promoting film and media education.

From Book to Film
The recipient of FOMP’s 2015 stipend, Pierre Wilén, talks about a film project to promote reading among year 5 students at a school on the Swedish island of Gotland. The project is presented in a written teachers’ guide accompanied by filmed material illustrating the entire process.

Every Six-year-old in Mora Makes Animated Film
Britt-Marie Jansson Meyer talks about an inspiring project carried out within the framework of the state-funded arts education initiative, Skapande skola (Creative School). She shows some of the highly imaginative films that have been made by 6-year-olds in Mora, Sweden.

Broadcast Bredsand
Anders Justin från the regional organization Film Västernorrland talks about a project where young people in Sundsvall, Sweden, have been given the opportunity to work with film. This resulted in the production of the short film Vila i frid (Rest in Peace).

Film and Equality
How is it possible to couple work with film to schools’ efforts to promote equality? Film educators Annika and Jessica Karlsson talk about their work with personal creativity linked to themes like identity, gender and self-image. In association with FilmCentrum.FOMPkollage

En inspirerande eftermiddag där barns och ungas eget filmskapande står i centrum!
Arrangeras av FOMP – Föreningen Film- och mediepedagogik.

Bok blir film
2015 års FOMP-stipendiat Pierre Wilén berättar om ett läsfrämjande filmprojekt inom Gotlands grundskola, årskurs 5. Projektet finns presenterat i en skriven lärarhandledning med inspelat material som åskådliggör hela processen.

Alla sexåringar i Mora gör animerad film
Britt-Marie Jansson Meyer berättar om ett inspirerande Skapande skola-projekt och visar några av de fantasifulla filmer som gjorts av 6-åringar i Mora.

Broadcast Bredsand
Anders Justin från Film i Västernorrland berättar om ett projekt där unga i Sundsvall fått möjlighet att jobba med filmmediet, vilket resulterat i kortfilmen Vila i frid.

Film och likabehandling
Hur kan en arbeta med film kopplat till skolans likabehandlingsarbete? Filmpedagogerna Annika och Jessica Karlsson berättar om sitt arbete med eget skapande kring teman som identitet, genus och självbild. I samarbete med FilmCentrum.