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Theme Role Models: Difficult Childhood – shorts package

Tema Förebilder: Tuff uppväxt – Kortfilmspaket. . . Director: .


Republic of Macedonia 2017. Director: Marija Apchevska. 19 min. Language: Macedonian. Subtitles: English.

Two siblings living a normal life, or at least trying to. Sara is forced to go and get her elder brother Deno from a club, in order to help their drunken dad get into their apartment. A growing sense of ambivalence comes over Deno. Is it really like this they should be living their lives? A suggestive and exciting film about responsibility, and the kind of strong sense of belonging between siblings which can seemingly come about under all sorts of circumstances.

Where do cats go after 9 lives?

Où vont les chats après 9 vies? Canada 2017. Director: Marion Duhaime. 18 min. Language: French. Subtitles: English.

Lily-May decides to tell those closest to her about a choice that she’s made. She’s planning to sign herself into an assisted suicide clinic. But when the date is set, she starts to wonder if it really is the simplest way out.

Good girls

Les bones nenes. Spain 2017. Director: Clara Roquet. 17 min. Language: Catalan. Subtitles: English.

Two sisters in different stages of their respective lives, one in the midst of childhood, the other with one foot in adulthood. Their relationship is put to the test when one of the horses on their farm loses an eye, and opinions differ about what should happen to the horse.

Shadow animals

Skuggdjur. Sweden 2017. Director: Jerry Carlsson. 22 min. Language: Swedish. Subtitles: English.

Marall tags along with his parents to a party. The grown-ups start to act weirdly with constant handshaking, flock behaviour and an animal-like ritual dance. During the evening, mysterious shadow creatures appear, alongside uninvited guests. Marall watches, as this bizarre adult world veers off in a particularly nasty direction.

Also screened in the shorts package New Swedish Shorts 2