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Ronja – The Robber’s Daughter

Ronja Rövardotter. Sweden. Feature film. 1984. 126 min. Director: Tage Danielsson.
Spoken language: Swedish.
Age rec. 5+

One night, as a thunderstorm engulfs the castle where they live, Lovis, the wife of Mattis, the robber chieftain, gives birth to their first child, the girl Ronia. By the age of 10, she’s become a courageous and inquisitive child. In secret, she becomes friends with Birk, the son of Mattis’ arch enemy, Borka – and together, they experience one exciting adventure after another in the forest.

Ronja Rövardotter is a modern classic with Robin Hood and Romeo and Juliet elements. It is a story about heading out on your own path, choosing what is essential in life and being a human. It is also a beautiful and believable love story between two young people.

The film is an exciting adventure in the wilds of nature where dangerous creatures live. We follow Ronja on her way to adult life, both in how she thinks and feels. Two characters, the strong Lovis and the sensitive Mattis, also present us with an interesting dilemma about challenging crises in life and how you can solve them or, at least, learn to live with them.