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Film and Media Literacy Afternoon

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We offer an film and media literacy afternoon in collaboration with Föreningen Film och Mediapedagogik, to discuss how to use the film’s different dimensions in an educational purpose. Free entry with Festival Pass or Accreditation.

Student teachers working with film: 3.00 pm – 4:00 pm

Students in the undergraduate teaching programme at Malmö University run film projects in the Spring together with students from schools in Skåne. The projects are part of a course in using visual imagery in teaching. The teaching faculty at Malmö University considers BUFF an important organisation as it creates a space for young people and films. The university has contributed the students’ project films to this year’s edition of BUFF.

Aktiv skola: Grooming: 4:15 pm – 5:00 pm

Stiftelsen Aktiv Skola (The Active School Foundation) works to develop educational materials for Sweden’s primary schools based on subjects that underpin students’ opportunities for positive development. By 2018, Aktiv Skola will focus especially on grooming, a problem that they see is on the rise. “Young people are blind to the risks and many parents don’t know how to go about getting a better idea about what their children do online,” says Jose n Varg, Chancellor at Akitv Skola.

More and more time is spent by children online and as an adult it is important to talk to them about what goes on during that time. The movie Jag tror jag är lite kär i dig (I Think I Have a Crush on You) is the springboard to those discussions and Aktiv Skola will also release a handbook on the subject.

Aktiv Skola collaborates with one of Sweden’s leading grooming experts, Ulrika Rogland, who is launching a free lecture tour in Autumn 2018 for school sta around Sweden to read about grooming.

Filmriket – A New Platform for the Moving mage: 5:15 pm – 5:45 pm

Filmriket is a national project about watching, creating and talking about movies. Film Kingdom produces a free web platform for the creation of film, together with the Swedish Film Institute and the Swedish Media Council.

Teachers can prepare their lesson plans on the platform, based around the revised curriculum
for elementary schools, making it easy, fun and, above all, adaptable to use moving images for their subjects. The lesson plans will then contribute to raising awareness within MIL (media and information literacy) and provide students with a source-critical approach. The main focus in that children and teachers will feel comfortable creating lms and moving images.

Filmriket is owned by Studieförbundet Bilda Sydöst, Filmpool Nord, Reaktor Sydost and Region Jönköpings län/Film with support from the Swedish Film Institute and Postkodstiftelsen.

Filmcentrum presents Filmborgarmärket: 5:45 – 6:15

Filmborgarmärket är en utmaning för lärare som vill arbeta med MIK (medie- och informationskunnighet) och bättra på elevernas visuella läskunnighet.

Ta grundkursen om tio steg, som avslutas med Filmborgarmärket. En utbildning som ger elever (och lärare) färdigheter både inom film samt medie- och informationskunnighet, men också ämnesöverskridande kunskaper, verktyg för analys och kritiskt tänkande.

Utmaningens första övningar kan antas från årskurs 2 i grundskolan. Däremot finns ingen övre åldersgräns, Filmborgarmärket är relevant oavsett ålder.