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What about the child actors?

With: Gabriel Odenhammar, Christian Zetterberg, Karen Helene Haugaard, Alexe Landgren, Ted Kjellsson

Accreditation or membership in Scen och Film required

Language: English

Aged seven, Gabriel Odenhammar became known as Håkan Bråkan in Sweden. On set, he wanted to please and pretended to understand what the adults were saying. This was in the early 1990’s. Do child actors of today have the same experience today or has it become easier? Listen to Gabriel, Christian Zetterberg, director and former child actor, Ted Kjellsson, director and Karen Helene Haugaard, director and governess on the set of Tunna Blå linjen, talk about child actors from different perspectives. The conversation is moderated by Alexe Landgren in collaboration with Sveriges Filmregissörer, en del av Scen och Film.